The flow state is a mental state where you are completely focused on the task at hand. You are so absorbed in what you’re doing that all other distractions fade away. You lose track of time and you feel completely in the moment. This is a very productive mental state to be in, as it allows you to achieve great things while remaining relaxed and calm. Positive emotions such as happiness and joy are also common in the flow state. This often leads to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.
Flow state vs mindfulness: what are they and what is the difference?
The flow state and mindfulness are two different things. The flow state is an immersive experience that can help you to achieve great things. Mindfulness is a state of awareness that can be used to focus on the present moment. Both of these states can be beneficial, but they offer different benefits.
Origin of flow research?
The flow experience was first described by MihΓ‘ly CsΓkszentmihΓ‘lyi, a Hungarian psychologist. He observed that people who are very good at what they do often enter into a flow state while they’re working. This flow state is characterized by a feeling of intense concentration and focus. Fully immersed in what you’re doing, you lose all track of time and distractions fade away. You can persist in your task relentlessly.